Here is a photo of a beware sign in the fore ground and a lorry traveling behind. The beware sign follows the rule of thirds and gives the photo seriousness. Also i think the lorry captured also capturers a moment and gives the photo some life.
Here is a high angle shot of a fire escape. I like the contrast of color between the dark metal and light blue sky. This photo also flows the rule of thirds because you first focus on the metal casing around the ladder. The dark line also give a tough and dramatic feel.
I took this picture because I like the background factory, with the foreground foliage.This follows the rule of thirds. I also like the mix of metal and nature.The mixture of nature and industry is ironic. Also the nature at the bottom of the photo makes you feel like the nature will one day grow and take over the industry and once take back what it had
I took this photo because it has good contrast.Also the chemical barrow follows the rule of thirds. Its also well framed.The chemical barrow makes the picture different and not boring.